Throughout the elementary years, DCS students improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge as they learn and review the fundamentals of phonics. Using an exceptional reading program, teachers encourage your child not only to learn to read, but also to enjoy it! Reading skills are practiced and strengthened through activity time for lower elementary grades and through science, history, and health for grades 3 and above. Critical thinking is also emphasized in practical subjects such as math, language arts, and Bible.
At DCS, your child will also grow socially through participation in extracurricular activities including art, physical education, music theory, and choir. Academics and character development are reinforced in a group setting as students enjoy learning patriotic, traditional, and fun songs in class.
Dedicated teachers model a love for God’s Word and a desire to do right. Students develop spiritual awareness through memorizing Scripture, listening to Bible stories, and singing traditional psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. As your children grow, they will be encouraged to think critically and influence the world around them by applying Bible principles to every subject.