Fine Arts
High School Fine Arts Competition
Students in 9th-12th grade have the opportunity to participate in the annual Fine Arts Competition in Tampa with other schools from the Sunshine State Association of Christian Schools. Competition categories include music, art, speech, Bible, academic testing, and science fair.
Elementary/Middle School Fine Arts Festival
Students in 4th-8th grade have the opportunity to participate in the annual SSACS Fine Arts Festival in Land O’Lakes. Festival categories include music, speech, art, Bible and academic testing. Students may also participate in a national creative writing and poetry contest.
Band Festival
Every other year the DCS band joins several other schools from around the state for a band festival. The students work for two days on several numbers and then perform them in a concert on Friday evening. There are two bands, both Junior High and Senior High. The conductors are well-qualified clinicians from various parts of the country. Students are challenged with difficult music, yet it is always a fun experience.